Diana’s Books
Available on Amazon
The Heart & Art
By Diana Muenz Chen
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get your questions answered and receive unconditional love by connecting with a spirit guide, the Divine or your soul? This textbook is your complete reference for connection to the spirit realm. Whether you want to channel for yourself or become a professional channel, you will refer to this textbook again and again.
Know Your Soul
Bring Joy to Your Life
By Diana Muenz Chen & David Schwerin
Know Your Soul: Bring Joy to Your Life is an insightful, heartwarming book. It describes the origin, purpose and structure of the soul and provides instruction for connecting to your soul. The authors vividly describe personal experiences and interactions with their higher self and soul. Based on inspiration from their guides and the loving direction of Archangel Michael, rarely disclosed or understood information is revealed. This is a book you will refer to often.