Open Heart Channeling School Symbol

Teaching the Intuitive Arts Worldwide For 37 Years

Open Heart
Channeling School

Founded by Diana Muenz Chen & Archangel Michael

Open Heart Channeling School Logo

My spirit guides and I founded this channeling school in 1988 and we have been teaching channeling ever since.

We provide a range of courses to teach students with varying levels of experience. Whether you're just starting out or seeking to enhance your skills, we have beginner workshops, ongoing group classes, and advanced classes to suit your needs. As part of our teachings, we have created a series of preparatory steps called the “Steps to Channel”, which are designed to assist students in channeling safely while helping them to stay calm, expanded and centered as they prepare to connect with the spirit world.

Love & Blessings,

Our Learning Offerings

Free Intro Channeling Class

A 1.5 hour Zoom event, which gives you a taste of channeling. You have an experience of being with one of your spirit guides and many opportunities to sense their presence. You also can ask any questions you have about channeling and the spirit world. If you subscribe to our Weekly Update, located at the bottom of any of our webpages, you’ll receive advance notification of how to register for this class.

Channeling Workshops

If you want to develop your channeling skill, the next level in the OHCS is the One Day Channeling Workshop, a 7 hour Zoom event, or the Two Evening Channeling Workshop, spanning 3 hours each evening. Both teach the basics of channeling and prepare you to enter the OHCS Ongoing Channeling Classes. The classes are small so you receive lots of personal attention.

Ongoing Channeling Classes

The curriculum is designed to develop your confidence, integrity and an ability to surrender and trust spirit in a nurturing environment. The classes are small so you receive lots of personal attention. They meet twice a month throughout the year. You pay tuition monthly giving you payment flexibility. There is a selection of weekdays and times that make them accessible.

Advanced Channeling Classes

When you feel the desire to channel for others, this class is your next step. We meet once a month, the dates and times determined by the participants. We invite volunteer clients to participate and work with the channelers. You are expected to be able to verbally channel. Please note, there is a requirement to be in an Ongoing Channeling Class to attend the Advanced Channeling Class.

Free Channeling Class - Open Heart Chenneling School

Join us for a Free Channeling Class

Led by Archangel Michael
Channeled by Diana

Tuesday Mar 11, 2025

7pm-8:30pm EDT

Via Zoom video

Anyone who is interested in learning about channeling is welcome to attend. There is no prerequisite for attendance. This is a beginner workshop for you to learn about channeling. We will cover some basic techniques. Please email Diana using the button below to register for this free class.

Open Heart Channeling School - Gradient Background

Level 1 - The Basics

for New Students

Open Heart Channeling School Logo - White

Are you ready to meet one of your spirit guides and have a conscious connection to your soul?

This entry-level path will teach you what we consider the channeling basics so you qualify to join our school’s Ongoing Channeling Classes. There are 3 choices to learn the basics: One Day Channeling Workshop, Two Evening Channeling Workshops and Private or Semi-Private Channeling Lessons. All are conducted on Zoom video. The classes are small so you receive lots of personal attention.

  • Students must attend one of the following beginner workshops or lesson options to prepare for admission to the OHCS’s Ongoing Channeling Classes and also must complete assigned reading excerpts from the book “Channeling: The Heart & The Art”, which is used as the preparatory reading for all classes.

    There are 3 options:

    - A One Day Channeling Workshops
    - A Two Evening Channeling Workshops
    - Four Private or Semi-Private Channeling Classes

    One Day Channeling Workshops and Two Evening Channeling Workshops:

    These two options cover the exact same material and are offered through Zoom video. You will learn the Steps to Channel and how to connect to your soul and one of your spirit guides, who knows the skill of channeling. Go to the Workshops webpage for more details.

    Another option to complete learning the basics are:

    Private Channeling Lessons:

    You receive my complete attention and get personal confirmation about what you are doing as you channel. To learn the channeling basics, you take four private lessons. Areas covered are the same as the One Day Channeling Workshops- see above. The first two lessons are 2 hours each and the last 2 lessons are 1.5 hours each.

    Semi-Private Channeling Lessons:

    You can arrange a class with some of your friends who also are interested in channeling. To learn the channeling basics, we offer four Semi-Private Lessons. You can book these lessons at times that are convenient for your group. Areas covered are the same as the One Day Channeling Workshops- see above. Tuition and length of each lesson depends on the number of people in your Semi-Private Channeling Class.

  • One Day Channeling Workshop


    from 10am-5pm ET

    via Zoom

    Tuition: $235US pd by Paypal

    Two Evening Workshop


    from 7pm-10pm ET each evening

    via Zoom

    Tuition: $131US pd by Paypal/Stripe

    If paid together $250US.

    Private Channeling Lessons:

    Email Diana to schedule. Single classes and bundle of 6 classes available.

Open Heart Channeling School Gradient

Level 2 & 3 - Intermediate to Advanced

Channeling Classes

Open Heart Channeling School Logo - White

Our Ongoing Channeling Classes are conducted in a group format twice a month on Zoom video.

After learning the basics, you can continue to improve your channeling skills by regularly attending the Ongoing Channeling Classes. As you consistently practice in these ongoing classes, you learn more about how to be a clearer channel, getting your ego out of the way and allowing guidance to come through more clearly. There are four classes from which to choose, with each meeting twice a month and each receiving the same lessons from Michael the Archangel. Tuition is paid month-by- month, offering you exceptional flexibility. The classes are small so you receive lots of personal attention.

  • Completion of Level 1- The Basics.

  • Ongoing Classes meet twice a month. Choices are:

    Wednesdays from 7pm-8:30pm ET

    Thursdays from 10am-11:30am ET

    Fridays from 2:30pm-4pm ET

    Fridays from 6pm-7:30pm ET

    Tuition paid monthly:

    Tuition: $115US per month pd Paypal

    $110US per month pd by Zelle/Venmo

    Zoom links to classes are on the Student Portal, using the OHCS’s password, which you are given once you complete one of the basics options.

Open Heart Channeling School Gradient

Level 3 - Advanced

Advanced Channeling

Open Heart Channeling School Logo - White

We offer advanced channeling classes to prepare students to channel professionally, deepen their connection with their spirit team, surrender and trust more to gain more confidence.

Practice classes are offered if you are attending Ongoing Channeling Classes and want to develop more advanced skills. Typically, you would like to offer professional channeling sessions or add channeling to your already-existing practice and will find these classes most helpful. Periodically, we invite volunteer clients to sit with our channelers. Tuition is paid month-by-month, offering you exceptional flexibility. The classes are small so you get lots of personal attention.

  • Completion of Level 1- The Basics plus current attendance in one of the Ongoing Channeling Classes. Must be able to channel verbally and be invited by Diana and Archangel Michael to join this class.

  • The class dates are set in advance by the participants and can be found in Student Portal using the OHCS password, which is accessible once you complete one of the basics options. Days and times vary.

    Tuition: $57US pd by Paypal

    $55US pd by Zelle/Venmo

Do you prefer private study with Diana?

Private Channeling Lesson & Coaching

If you would like to study one-on-one with Diana, click the link below to schedule a session.

Archangel Michael's Inner Circle of Friends

Archangel Michael's
Inner Circle of Friends

Levels 1-3

Michael offered a series of spiritual lessons, the Inner Circle of Friends lessons, a number of years ago, which build your spiritual vibration while imparting important information. We notated these lessons and with some lessons Michael added a recording. There are 3 levels. Each level contains 10 lessons you can do in your own timing. Once you send the fee for the level, the documents and applicable recordings are emailed to you. Please note the recordings are not edited. They are exactly what was presented when Michael taught these groups. Finishing the 3 levels qualifies you to attend the exclusive monthly Beyond Level 3 group that meets on a Thursday night at 9pm ET via Zoom.

Inner Circle of Friends
Level 1

  • Must be open to receive the teachings from Archangel Michael and proceed with a commitment to your spiritual growth.

  • You determine your speed and frequency following Michael’s lessons.

Inner Circle of Friends
Level 2

  • Must have completed Inner Circle of Friends Level 1 and continue to be committed to your spiritual growth.

  • You determine your speed and frequency following Michael’s lessons.

Inner Circle of Friends
Level 3

  • Must have completed Inner Circle of Friends 2 and continue to be committed to your spiritual growth.

  • You determine your speed and frequency following Michael’s lessons.

Know Your Soul Workshops - Open Heart Channeling School

Know Your Soul Classes and Workshops

Archangel Michael is very focused and passionate about helping you develop a conscious daily connection to your own soul. He offers various events to support you in that continuing journey, such as his monthly Sunshine of your Soul Meditation on a Tuesday from 6pm-6:30pm ET, his monthly Healing Meditations on a Friday from 6:30pm-7:30pm ET and periodically a soul workshop. Please subscribe below to receive notifications of these events.

  • All are welcome. There is no prerequisite for attendance.

  • Sunshine of Your Soul Meditations

    Feb 18

    Mar 18

    Apr 22

    From 6pm-6:30pm ET

    Tuition: $12US pd by Paypal (includes $1US service charge)

    $11US pd by Zelle/Venmo


  • All classes are led by Archangel Michael and Diana Muenz Chen. Participants’ spirit guide teams are also a vital part of the learning process.

  • The way we teach channeling in the OHCS makes opening to spirit safe for the participant. We developed the Steps to Channel, which set up an expanded and clear state in which to channel, Archangel Michael and our guides watch over us, we say prayers to start the classes and set the high vibration atmosphere, and we teach participants how to discern the energy field of a spirit being so they identify the guide they’re channeling. All of the above are safeguards for staying aligned with the higher vibration spirit beings.

  • Typically, psychic senses are different from your physical senses. For example, if you have subjective clairvoyance, which is seeing energy in your mind’s eye, you will see scintillating and other wordly colors but not like how you see with your physical eyes. A chair will look different from an angel in spirit. Another example is clairalliance/clairscent, psychic smelling, which can be experienced as a knowing and memory of a scent and then may at some point become a subtle or more pronounced smell.

  • Consider practicing your psychic abilities as often as you can in your daily life. Please don’t exercise them just when you do your spiritual practices.

    There are always two tracks going on at the same time: The first, most common track, is the experience of the physical world through your body senses. The second, less commonly used track, is the energy world that’s all around you all the time. During your daily routine, make a conscious choice to sense the energy world all around you and inside of you.

    For example, you pass a bunch of trees and you allow yourself to receive their energies. What do you sense? Other examples: you’re talking to your friend on the phone and open to receive what they are feeling, your cat snuggles up to you or lays close to you and you open to sense their body. By bringing your attention to receive the energy world around you, you will gain more skill at sensing it.

    Make sure to take a bath or shower before going to bed each night to clear your energy field of anything you might have picked up by psychically sensing that needs to be released before you sleep.

  • Your spirit guides are highly evolved beings that are with you for part of your lifetime or all of your lifetime. They are like your cheerleaders and desire only the best for you as you learn your lessons here on earth. It’s important to develop a relationship with them. Your guides have specific purposes why they are with you.

    There are many different types of spirit guides, just like there are many different types of people. To give you some idea, your guides could be a healer, indigenous spirit, writer, deity, composer, physician, guru, ascended master, archangel or angel, and so on.

    Your loved ones who’ve passed certainly can hover around you and can be helpers for you but typically they haven’t reached the higher spiritual levels to be your spirit guide.

  • In most cases, all channeling classes are conducted live on Zoom video. Classes can be recorded by students who attend.

  • We teach the semi-conscious trance state, which is an altered state that’s mainly in theta. You are aware of what you are doing while you’re channeling and are simply an observer, feeling expanded and relaxed. We don’t teach full trance or trance mediumship, which is the altered state where you step aside and allow a spirit being to inhabit your body fully.

  • From my experience, people can learn channeling in another life and bring that skill into this one for specific reasons. This makes them look like they have a “gift,” when in fact they’ve previously spent time developing their channeling skill. Channeling is a skill and like learning any skill it takes time and practice. When I first began to learn how to channel, I loved it so much that I spent an hour every day working with it. I’m convinced that’s why I grew stronger in my channeling.

  • This is a question that is always asked in any beginner classes we teach. There are safety factors we’ve built into our channeling classes, such as the Steps to Channel, which set up an inner and outer environment that promotes strong positive energy. Michael also clears any undeveloped beings from your energy field before channeling. In addition, you are taught to identify your spirit guide’s energy field through your psychic senses, which eliminates other beings making contact with you. We confirm when you’ve made a good connection with your guide.

    We have the control when we channel- control over how expanded or deeply into trance we go, who we communicate with in the spirit world and how we communicate with them. In the Open Heart Channeling School (OHCS), participants connect with a high level being and work with that being a while to develop a trusting relationship and build their confidence. So, you can view channeling as a controlled letting go of control.

    If you encounter an undeveloped being, you can firmly ask them to leave your energy field. You have the right, as it’s your energy field. If they seem to persist, you can ask Archangel Michael, a deity, saint, spirit you have a strong relationship with to please remove them from your energy field.

    Over the years, Michael taught me to seek the light in undeveloped beings because they always have light somewhere within them. Then to relate to them from that place of light. That helped me with my fear around undeveloped beings and I hope it helps you.

  • Make up classes are only offered for ongoing channeling classes conducted bi-monthly in most cases. If you miss one of the two classes you have paid tuition for in a given month, you may attend another ongoing class within the same month you missed the class. This ensures that you learn the particular lesson Michael’s teaching in that month.

  • It is totally up to you how much you practice. I’ve learned that the more we practice, like any skill, the better we get at it. Channeling is a skill.

    We have OHCS participants that only attend the Ongoing Channeling Classes and do not practice between the classes. Then, there are other folks who enjoy practicing channeling every day and then those participants that practice channeling whenever they feel drawn to it. There’s no practice requirement.

Diana’s Books

Available for purchase on Amazon

Testimonials from Students

  • “The first time I met Diana I could tell she was a kind and caring person who respected others. Her warm and humble personality shined through. She was grounded in her work, focused, attentive and organized which I appreciated, being a teacher myself. I am very grateful to know her and be able to learn from her."


  • “Diana is an intelligent, generous, empathetic and intuitive person. As a student of her’s, I've appreciated her attention to detail as she works with each person individually. She is very caring and brings a wonderful sense of humor to her classes. She inspires trust, is non-judgmental and shares her own experiences openly."

    Marsha Stonehouse

  • “As a student of Diana’s, I admire the way she teaches each student individually within the class. I am thankful for the fact that she shares with us everything that she is learning through her work with Michael. As I have grown as her student, I have seen Diana grow as my teacher and it has been a pleasure to share this growth with her."

    Valerie Loo

  • "Since discovering The Open Heart Channeling School, I have experienced wonderful personal growth. Diana and Archangel Michael have helped me develop deeper spiritual relationships, provided me with guidance to solve personal life challenges, and helped me live a more heart-centered life. Diana shines a wonderful light in the world. I am grateful for the invaluable body of work she has built for all of us."

    Amanda B.

  • "I studied channeling spirit in 1986 and have worked with spirit guides ever since. I discovered the Open Heart Channeling School in 2020 and began taking classes with Diana and Archangel Michael. Diana’s skill and commitment as a clear channel enable her to bring forward Archangel Michael’s high vibration, deep knowing, and powerful love. Through their teaching, my channeling and my connection to my soul’s purposes have blossomed. I will be one of their students for as long as they are teaching."

    Kathryn Girard

  • "Diana’s and Michael’s channeling classes have helped me quickly learn how to connect with my spirit guides in a safe setting. I feel validated in my connection while also being supported in my channeling development with timely corrections and feedback. The channeling methods taught are very grounded, allowing me to reach a state of surrender that propelled my progress forward in a way other methods didn’t. I’m thankful that I found Diana’s classes and wouldn’t be able to channel as well at this stage without them."

    Kimberly C.

  • Diana is a phenomenal teacher, and I say this with utmost sincerity. Teaching a skill such as channeling is a rare gift that requires a deep understanding of the skill, a high level of integrity to channel, and even more to teach others. Diana possesses all of these qualities. I had not planned to learn channeling until I had a traumatic experience with a past channeler. This experience led me to Diana's guidance, where I learned how to listen and access wisdom from spirit directly, and clearly while remaining unattached to my ego. Working with Diana has allowed me to deepen my connection and gain confidence in my own guidance. She is clear, grounded, and unattached. She is an inspiration in her work, whether she is channeling or teaching. I highly recommend Diana to anyone interested in receiving higher wisdom or learning how to channel. When you do, you will be able to heal yourself and support others in their healing journey."

    Cheryl Hills

  • "Diana has been a loving and compassionate support for me through the years as her student. She has also created a bond of acceptance and friendship with me that I am so thankful for today. She continues to be open and available, allowing for a deeper connection with greater understanding. I feel so blessed to have her in my life."

    Joe Saviano

  • "Joining the Open Heart Channeling School was an exhilarating experience, with Archangel Michael’s presence, which blew my mind, while uplifting, warming and expanding my heart space. My first experience of feeling a guide flow into my energy field was mind-boggling; my whole beingness expanded beyond anything I had ever experienced. Thank you for this uplifting experience!"


  • "I have experienced Diana and Michael again and again in the course of the last 2 years in channeling classes OHCS offers. They are a well-coordinated, loving and supportive team, who helped me as a very beginner to connect with my spirit guide and to believe I can learn channeling. Diana's approach is very professional and very humane at the same time. Thank you for all your love, interest, support and patience you invest in us students."

    Eva Pellrova

  • "The Michael Presents series is an opportunity to receive life changing wisdom from Universal Intelligence. Each channeling is unique and presents a shift that is felt both spiritually and physically. Highly recommended! I am grateful to Diana for her time, energy, talent, and generosity."

    Kimberly Iris French

  • "I was totally floored by the Michael Presents Great Teachers Series. Each time it made me enter into a trance state where what was happening was too great to comprehend. I just had to let go and feel their meditative state sweep over me and become totally immersed in their inner teachings."

    Darlene R.

  • "I highly recommend Michael’s Present Series. When Diana channels Michael and he presents the Ascended Master or Archangel, there is no doubt in your mind you are in the presence of a very evolved spirit being. You can feel the love and healing energies they bring to you. Each experience is different and so beautiful."

    Sue C.

  • "A beautiful blend of angelic power and peacefulness."

    Student, New York City

  • "Diana provides loving and authentic guidance in both her mentorship and channeling. Learning about energy, the soul, and channeling from Archangel Michael has been life changing. If you're looking for high quality support that cuts through the noise, you're in the right place."

    Beth Ward

  • “The Open Heart Channeling School has been a deep path to finally mastering channeling and connecting with the divine and receiving its wisdom. Diana is a skillful and fun guide and she has built a strong supportive community around her. Her dedication to being the clearest channel of the highest integrity is impressive.”

    Judah B.